Well hello there.. It's highly unlikely that anyone ever visits this page, so this is the place to be candid. Keviqn.com is the home of a bunch of random pages I myself have decided I enjoy, like tutorials, file hosting, and Keviqn software. Keviqn Software is just me, Kevin. I make the site, I write the scripts, I talk to you. I'm no web developer as you can probably tell, my specialty is automation. Not just my specialty though, my passion. I get genuine joy out of writing code that performs tasks for you(me, us?) What began as learning python and then using it to automate a task at my job, I was like "whoa, I wonder if anyone else would want this?" and it turns out, they do! I've been able to help (at the time of writing this, I may never update this) 3 other people gain back free time by automating either their jobs or just a task of their job. So please, reach out! Let me sit in front of my computer for a few hours so you can get some time back. Click here.